About ALPS treated water, tritium, and monitoring
QDoes tritium become concentrated in fish?
And will eating fish be dangerous?
ANo, tritium does not become concentrated in
For the most part, tritium exists as a liquid, and as with water, it is excreted from the body. Studies confirm that it does not accumulate or become concentrated within the body. If it enters the body as tritiated water, it is metabolized in around 10 days. If it bonds with an organic substance such as protein and enters the body as organically bound tritium, the majority is excreted in most cases in around 40 days, and any remaining tritium is eventually excreted later.
About ALPS treated water, tritium, and monitoring
- QWhat is ALPS-treated water? How is it different to contaminated water?
- QWhy is it necessary to discharge ALPS-treated water? Can't it continue to be stored?
- QIf ALPS-treated water is safe, why is it being stored? Surely it is only being stored because it is unsafe.
- QIs there a chance of ALPS-treated water containing other radioactive substances in addition to tritium?
- QWhat is tritium?
- QIf tritium is a radioactive substance, is it not dangerous?
- QDoes tritium become concentrated in fish? And will eating fish be dangerous?
- QWhat kind of monitoring is implemented when discharging the ALPS treated water into the sea?
- QWhen discharging ALPS treated water into the sea, what will happen if the monitoring of the local sea area indicates that the discharged water hasn't sufficiently dispersed and so on?