Ambient dose rates in major cities of Fukushima Prefecture
Evacuation-designated Zones
The level of ambient radiation across Fukushima Prefecture is at almost the same level as major cities across the globe.
Fukushima and Tokyo: Average value for September 2023 Paris: October 15, 2017 London: January 24, 2018 New York: January 18, 2019 Beijing and Seoul: September 24, 2019 Singapore: September 26, 2019 Berlin and Hong Kong: September 27, 2019
Fukushima: Fukushima Headquarters for Disaster Control (provisional values) Tokyo: “Radiation Monitoring Information Sharing and Publication System”, Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan Kerala: “UNSCEAR 2008 Report” Others: Japan National Tourism Organization
Decontamination and infrastructure development have led to the steady lifting of evacuation orders, and the Evacuation-designated Zones have shrunk from approximately 12% to approximately 2.2% of Fukushima Prefecture's land area.

*Information as of April, 2024